About the course

How can I change from the "Monthly Membership Course" to the "Annual Membership Course"?

First, you will need to cancel your "Monthly Membership Course" registration.

1) Log in
Please access the site using a web browser (Safari/Chrome).

MY PAGE内【コース変更】へ進むと、コース変更のご案内ページに移ります。

After checking the notes, please click the [Proceed to course change page] button to proceed and complete the procedure.
MY PAGE内【退会手続き】もしくはTOPページ下部【退会する】からでも可能です。

3) After cancelling your membership
Please click on [JOIN] or [Register] at the bottom of the top page.
Please select [If you have a Plus member ID] and log in with your Plus member ID.

On the "Membership Fee Payment Procedure" screen, select "Annual Membership Fee Payment"
Once you have completed the payment, the course change will be complete.

Please note that the information you receive will vary depending on when you register for the Annual Membership Course.
Please see below.


Example: Cancel the monthly membership plan in June and register for the annual membership plan in July

You can continue to use the site by transferring your membership information.
同じPlus member IDとパスワードでログイン後、会費決済の画面に遷移いたします。
Please make payment using your preferred method.



▼If you cancel your monthly membership and register for the annual membership two months later

Example: Cancel the monthly membership plan in June and register for the annual membership plan in August

You will not be able to use the site by transferring your membership information.
On the new membership page, select "Proceed to membership procedure" and proceed with the procedure.


▼If you wish to register for the "Annual Membership Course" immediately
Example: Cancel your monthly membership in July and register for an annual membership in July

The procedure is possible.

You can continue to use your membership information, butif you complete the procedure within the same month,
For the current month's payment, you will be charged for both the monthly and annual membership courses.


<Note 1>
Even if you cancel your membership, your existing Plus member ID will remain valid.
Please be sure to use the same Plus member ID (email address) when completing the procedure.

* If you have completed the procedure using a different email address
This will be a new registration and you will not be able to carry over your "Monthly membership course enrollment date" information.

*If you delete your Plus member ID
同じメールアドレスでお手続きをされた場合でも、Plus member IDが変更となります。
月会費コースでご利用されていたPlus member IDと異なるため、引き継ぎ不可となります。



再登録後は必ず、MY PAGE内「メールマガジン設定」をご確認ください。

<Note 5>
Please note that monthly and annual membership fees incurred during the membership period cannot be refunded.


If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.